Godfrey Hirst Wool Carpet

New Zealand Wool - Sustainable, Natural and Renewable Fiber
High quality, warm, luxurious and durable
Lead time is 7-10 business days

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Godfrey Hirst Organic Wool Carpet

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About Wool Carpet

For lovers of natural and renewable fibers, wool carpet is high quality, warm, luxurious and durable making it ideal for family homes. It is hard-wearing, naturally stain resistant and comes in a range of colors.

Wool carpet is the premium fiber choice for your home. The wool fiber production process consists of the natural elements…Sun, Rain, Grass and Sheep. No artificial ingredients needed, no artificial ingredients added.

Premium Luxury

Wool carpets have a natural, soft and luxurious feel. The long lasting beauty and superior characteristics of wool carpet will enhance your home for years to come.


Wool shorn from sheep is completely natural. It is composed entirely of amino acids, the building blocks of life. In soil, wool readily biodegrades to produce nitrogen, sulfur, carbon dioxide and water, which are all plant nutrients.

Naturally Stain and Soil Resistant

Wool carpets clean better, making stain protection unnecessary. The wool fiber’s structure consists of overlapping scales, arranged much like roof shingles. These scales inhibit dirt from adhering to the fiber and help fleck it away. Wool has significantly better soil release than any other fiber.

Naturally Crush-Resistant

The wool fiber is naturally curly, and it has more crush resistance than any other fiber. Wool carpet fibers recover from crushing better than any other carpet fibers.


Wool carpet's natural properties help keep your home cool in summer and warm in winter.


Godfrey Hirst is one of the largest wool carpet manufacturers in the world, and provide an exceptional selection of value priced wool carpets.


Environmentally sound, wool is produced from a totally renewable resource – grass – that is shorn from Sheep every 9 – 12 months.

Improves Air Quality

Wool carpet naturally improves the indoor air quality of your home. It stabilizes relative humidity by absorbing or releasing moisture during periods of high or low atmospheric humidity. If well maintained, it absorbs and neutralizes airborne particles and fumes.

Natural Flame Retardant

Wool carpets are naturally flame retardant because of its high protein content. If ignited, wool only burns weakly, limiting the spread of the flame.


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